Credit-Card-Using Budget Rebel

Are you tired of people telling you that you have to cut out credit card use in order to stick to your budget?
Me, too.

I LIKE USING CARDS! Debit, Credit… Whatever.

They are convenient, I am much less likely to somehow misplace an envelope filled with my entire budget for the month,  and I get cash back for things I’m already spending money on.

Seriously. Just for paying off my card each month, Amazon/Chase gives me between 50-150 bucks! WHAT?! Yes.

So I made my own SUSTAINABLE budgeting system where I can have my cake and eat it, too! 🍰 💳

No joke.

The majority of our family’s spending is on cards each month…

And we have still managed to go FROM:

“so broke we didn’t know how to pay the bills next month/ calling to ask forgiveness on insurance payments”…


…paying all bills on (or ahead of) time, refilling our emergency fund, AND saving enough to FINALLY remodel our master bath this past month.

It took us about 2 years to do all of that.

On one salary.

With our family of 4 (with special dietary needs and medical bills in there, too).

How in the world (right? That’s what you’re thinking)??

Well, that’s why I’ve been working for the last several months to duplicate my system into one I can share with you.

It’ll be an online course called The Sustainable Budgeting Blueprint.

Through this digital course, I will be able to walk you through (step-by-step) how to set up your very own SUSTAINABLE family budget – using YOUR numbers, YOUR priorities, and YOUR real life (which are the keys to making this budget stick)!

The course is set to launch early 2020, and I’m beyond excited to offer it to you.

The freedom our family has found through confidence with our budget/spending each month is something I can’t wait to share with you and so many more families all over the world!

If you want to be among the VERY first to know when this program launches, click here!

For months this past summer/early fall I had been trying to simplify it down, translate it from a spreadsheet to pencil/paper, and the move it over to a different platform…

Here’s the thing: I keep coming back to my original format… the spreadsheet is what makes it sustainable (the reason I’ve been able to keep up with it and stay on top of ours for so many years without failing miserably). It takes SO MUCH of the work OUT of budgeting and does it FOR me…

Talk to me about digital vs. paper, though.

If you need to get a real handle on your money, would you be willing to at least give it a shot on a computer instead of it all being pencil/paper?

Would the hundreds/thousands of dollars of savings be worth it to you to AT LEAST try it out for a few months??

Be real with me. Give it to me straight.

I want to hear from you bc I’m doing this FOR YOU ❤️😘