5 Ways To Avoid The November Budget Bust!

Happy Thanksgiving Week! 

If you know me, you know I’m ALL about getting into the spirit of anything at all – I can turn anything into a celebration. Lemme at it.


I am also not one to spend money when I don’t have to. Call me cheap, call me thrifty, call me stingy, call me frugal. Whatever. I’ll take it all. As Popeye says, “I yam what I yam.” So be it.

Regardless of how people see me, I’m going to roll with it, and also let you in on a few penny-pinching tips that you can use to hopefully put to use for your own Thanksgiving week savings:

  1. When it comes to what you’ll bring to a holiday gathering, browse your pantry, freezer and fridge before volunteering for anything. Have tons of canned green beans? Offer to bring green beans! If you have the other ingredients, turn those into green bean casserole. Only have tons green beans to use, then just heat them up, mix in a little salt, pepper, garlic powder (optional), and butter/ghee. Boom. A delicious veggie side option for everyone!

    Have a ton of lettuce that will go bad if you don’t eat it by the weekend (which you won’t because you’ll be eating Thanksgiving leftovers)?? Offer to bring a salad!

    Random box of brownie, cookies or cake mix in the pantry?? Bring a dessert with you! NO one is sad that there’s another tasty dessert option. seriously.The key point: Use what you have – especially things that will go bad if you don’t or things that are just taking up space in your kitchen.

  2. Let’s talk leftovers. This one was actually my husband’s idea! I LOVE when he gets on my level with me and gives me ideas that are budget-saving like this: If you plan to go to a large potluck like we do on Thanksgiving, bring your own leftover containers!

    Before you head home, as you’re gathering your dishes and the leftovers of the food you prepared, only take home the amount your family will actually eat in the next few days (or be able to freeze for future meals), and leave the rest of whatever you made behind for someone else to take home or eat.In your leftovers containers, take home enough for you to make another meal or two (or 5 depending on how much food is leftover at the end of the feast)! This isn’t meant to sound sneaky or cheap. It’s practical.

    Most of the time we have aunts trying to force us to eat and eat and eat and then take more home with us for later, so why not just put it all in a to-go container on purpose instead of force-feeding all day long. 😉

  3. Decorations: Don’t overthink it! Instead of feeling the need to purchase new tablecloths and wreaths and candles and centerpieces, just go outside and look around!

    Have the kids help you with this! Have them collect pinecones and the prettiest array of colored leaves they can find into a basket. Use those leaves and pinecones as the centerpiece for your tables.Use a long sheet of butcher paper (or the kids roll of art paper from their art easel) instead of a tablecloth. You can tape the edges under the table so it doesn’t shift (you’ll probably need to use at least 2 rows of the paper depending on the width of the paper).

    Have the kids trace their hands all over the paper and turn them into handprint turkeys and/or have them write a one-two word thing they are thankful for on each traced-hand’s finger!

    You can also leave some crayons mixed into the centerpiece/leaf garland in the middle of the table for your guests to continue the decorating of the “tablecloth” when they arrive! What a fun activity!

  4. Prioritize. If you will be shopping the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY do not allow yourself to just swipe a card without any accountability or plan. THAT IS A BAD IDEA, AND YOU WILL REGRET IT.

    If you are planning to shop the sales, go in with a list of specific things that you will buy and a limit to what you are allowed to spend. DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN YOUR BUDGET.

    Even during Black Friday weekend, the truth is the truth: In order to not dig yourself (further) into debt, your income MUST EXCEED your spending.

    If you plan to spend more than your income this month, you need to know where that money is coming from before you spend it. Have you been setting money aside specifically to shop with? GREAT! Otherwise, you are making the choice to put your family into debt for whatever that item/those items are that you are swiping the card for.

    That also means that you probably aren’t saving any money on the item at all because depending on how many months it takes you to pay off that overage, the interest tacked onto the payments could turn that “deal” into a complete screw-over.

    You could end up paying twice or three times the original cost of the item depending on how fast you’re able to pay it off… Just something to think about before you shop this year!

  5. JUST SAY NO. Yes, it is possible to make it through Thanksgiving weekend without stepping foot in a store or even shopping online unless you have something specific you’re planning to buy. It might sound crazy, but it’s true.

    If there isn’t something that you have been waiting to purchase specifically on Black Friday/Cyber Monday AND YOU HAVE THE MONEY SAVED TO DO SO, just skip the hassle, madness, and time suck that is getting lost online or braving the actual stores.

    I’m willing to be there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS that you could be doing with your time – playing games with your family, sitting and relaxing like you don’t allow yourself to do during regular weeks, cooking – make that special something you never make because you just don’t have time, meal plan for next month (which you’ve also just been putting off bc of lack of time) – have the kids help with the inventory, clean out the kids’ playroom or your master closet and finally rid yourself of all the stuff you’ve been pushing out of your own way the last several months/years. Donate that ish! 😉

    Anyhow, you get the picture. It’s ok to just NOT shop this weekend. It really is.

And there you have it, my friend. 5 tips to keeping things in check this week – when it comes to your budget at least.

What are some other tips you’d like to share with us?? Drop them in the comments below so we can all be prepared!  Happy Thanksgiving, friend!!!