Free Thank You Notes Tracker For the Family

Every year, I think about how I need to be sure and follow through on writing Thank You notes to our friends and family for their thoughtful gifts to our family, and every year I fail to do so for one reason or another.

This year, I’m putting the onus on our kids for their parts! 😉

I have created 5 uniquely designed pages for the kids to keep track of their own gifts received (well, I’ll be writing Parker’s for her, I’m sure, but she’ll be in charge of making sure I get them all on there)! Best part? They’re FREE! WOOHOO!

Click here to get your own copy of the instant download:

After the frenzy of fresh toys wears off, we will make a project of writing thank you notes – working our way down the lists, and making sure to thank our people for being so generous and kind in thinking of us this holiday season.

Does your family have any special way that you make sure to get your thank you’s done? Do you make a fun event out of it? I’d love to know how you handle it in your home! Comment below with all of your ideas (yours or ones you’ve heard others do)!

Happy Thank-you-ing!  😉