How I Failed Last Month… Yet Still Managed to Save $415.81!

That’s right. I failed.

But you know what? Even though I missed my CRAZY goal of spending only $150 on groceries for the month of December (I knew it was nutso going into it, but hey… shoot for the moon so we fall among the stars, right??), I still came out WAY ahead!

In October 2018, when I first started implementing this Monthly Meal Planning system for our family, I had just taken the time to figure out our ACTUAL average grocery spending… and I swear my eyes have never bulged from my head like they did when I read those numbers.

We had been averaging about $1200 a month on groceries. ON GROCERIES!

Now, yes, our “groceries” include all food AND consumables we purchase for our home (paper goods, hair/skin products, batteries, etc), BUT STILL!!!!

Holy Moly, that is a large number for a family of four (our two kiddos both under the age of 6).

Since then (Oct. 2018), I have managed to keep our grocery bill to $750 or lower every month.

Already, that’s an INCREDIBLE improvement, is it not?

Now… enter in my crazy, delusional challenge that we called “Trim The Fat” last month (December 2019).

My goal was to only spend $150.

Well, there were quite a few things that I failed to include when I planned out our goal, so we ended up spending quite a bit over that goal, BUT even though our total grocery spending for the month of December was $334.19, that means that our TOTAL grocery spending for last month was over $400 LESS than our average for the past year.

So, yes, I failed to meet my $150 goal.

I failed by almost $200, but I’m calling that challenge a total win overall because WE SAVED $400 LAST MONTH!

I mean… COME ON!

So, are you with me??

Would you be able to celebrate $400 savings like I am, or would you be stuck in the Pit of Despair with the whispers of that $189.19 failure on repeat in your mind??

wonder years, despair, GIF, Pit of Despair, princess bride
Bonus points if you mention what movie this is in the comments

I really hope that you’d be able to celebrate that $400 saved, but if not, that’s ok.


I want you to start seeing the small wins as just that. Regardless of any failures you feel like you’re sitting in the middle of. Regardless of the hardships that come with managing your own family and finances.

I want you to be able to recognize and celebrate the wins. All of them. Even the small ones.

Personally, I think $400 is a big win.

So, I’m going to mark my Trim The Fat Challenge for 2020 in the WIN category – YES, even though I technically failed the dollar goal.

I’m choosing the focus on the $400 our family gained because of my intentional work to spend less last month.

Tell me in the comments about a win you’ve had in the past month! Big or small – they ALL count!!!