How to Convince Your Spouse to Stick to the Budget

Anyone else ever felt the age-old struggle of dragging a fallen horse through the mud in the sense of trying to convince your spouse to JUST FOLLOW THE PLAN and stick to the budget??

Just us? Nah. Can’t be.

Can I share with you the best, easiest, most effective way to get them on board?

Find a goal to work towards that actually motivates them.

What is something that they really would love to purchase, a trip they would really love to take, an experience they would really like to share with the family?

If they aren’t working toward a goal that is more important to them than the joy/relief they will find in their day-to-day spending (those things that are little by little throwing off your budget until you’re unable to save much/put much toward paying off your debt), you’re better off finding a horse to drag around.

Seriously. It could be as simple as a broken iPad screen they have been complaining about and really wanting to spend the $125 to get fixed for several months.

Next time they suggest going out to eat when it will put you guys over on your eating out budget, just ask them, “Do you want to go out to eat tonight or do you want to be closer to getting your iPad fixed?

Next time they say, “I’m going to run out and grab an energy drink/ice cream with the kids later/etc.” ask the same question.

If they really are motivated by the goal that is set, they will have to choose between instant gratification or a bigger goal they are working toward.

When you and your spouse can work toward the same goal, it’s a game-changer, but in the event that your spouse needs a little more motivation than that BIG goal that is a year or more away, set up some smaller goals they can achieve in a month or two so they can stay motivated in the meantime while you also work toward that larger goal!

Make the sacrifices they make worth it to them.

Set up a small sinking fund where you can set aside a set amount toward their goal as long as you guys have that extra money leftover at the end of the month.

You can even print a physical tracker (think old-school fundraiser thermometer boards) so they can SEE the progress you’re making toward the goals you set.

A bonus way to convince them?

Be diligent in your own right. After many months of seeing your dedication and seeing the fruit from your labor (even if it’s like pulling teeth to get them to cooperate sometimes) they might come around and just be so grateful for you handling it all and doing so well that they want to make it easier on you by actually following the budget! Not that I speak from actual experience here or anything 😜👏🏽

Do you and your spouse have a system that has been working for you all when it comes to sticking to the budget?

Who struggles more to stick to the budget: you or your spouse?

What questions or issues do you often find yourself running into when it comes to sticking to the budget?