Easy + Sustainable Home Learning Management System — FREE Video Tutorial!

If your family is anything like ours, you’ve gone through seasons of feeling like you’ve “got it all figured out” (which only lasts a day or two) and seasons of feeling like a complete chaotic failure when it comes to homeschooling and home learning.

I have good news, though!

Regardless of how many more weeks you’ve got in your homeschooling career, I was finally able to film and edit a quick video tutorial showing you the system that has been a game changer in organizing and managing our two kiddos and their school work (both physical and digital) for the last several weeks.

I hope it’s helpful to you and offers a quick win while giving you a boost of confidence in these crazy days!

Steps mentioned in the video for reference:

  1. Create 1 folder for each school day(manilla or pocket folders if that’s what you’ve got. Be resourceful and creative here. Make it work for you).
  2. Add 1 blank paper per child to each folder (can be scrap papers or just tear 1 sheet in half and use 1/2 sheet per kiddo).
  3. Create 1 additional folder for each child’s “finished work.”
  4. Print each student’s week’s lesson plans/syllabus and any physical worksheets/assignments/writing pages they will need to have printed to complete their assignments for that week.
  5. If it’s not obvious whose work is whose (if you students are in the same or close grades), go ahead and mark their names on the unfinished papers as you print them out so there is no confusion on the day it should be completed.
  6. Using the blank paper (scraps) that you have for each student, delegate wha assignments should be worked on each day and write each expectation on their daily sheet.Example:
    -Read independently – 40 minutes
    -Math Practice – 15+ minutes
    -Complete 4 online assignments
    -Listen to/watch audiobooks (vooks, bookflix, epic, etc.) 10+ minutes
    -Complete 2 chores from your weekly chores list
    -1 hour+ of outside play
  7. When you have assigned all assignments to their specific day and written out each child’s daily expectations on the sheet in each day’s folder (one sheet of expectations per student/child) and placed all printed sheets into the correct day’s folder, you’re done!
  8. On each school day, simply grab the day’s folder, and you should have quick access to each student’s list of expectations for the day as well as anything they should need in order to complete those assignments.
  9. When your student’s have completed any physical assignments, place them in their own “finished assignments” folder in case you need to access them to upload a photo for a teacher or in case your student might need any of them as a reference for a future assignment.
  10. Each week, when you’re sent a new syllabus/list of assignments for each student, simply go through steps 2-6 for the new week, and you’re ready for another successful week!