• Favorite Side Dishes

    There are a few side dishes that I find to be incredibly versatile – they go with almost any meal, plus they are quick to prepare and delicious to devour. Some staples that I always try to keep on-hand for side dish options at any time include: Red Potatoes (great baked or mashed, cubed and roasted, or diced as hash browns) Rice/Quinoa Packages (clean ingredients, super fast to prepare – under 2 minutes) Frozen Veggies (great to roast, toss into soups or casseroles) Canned Fruit (pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, pears, peaches, applesauce) Lettuce/Salad Mix (It’s super fast and simple to chop up some lettuce and toss on some…

  • The Lie of Parental Perfection

    Hey mama, you’re not supposed to be perfect.⠀ ⠀ You’re not called to perfection. Actually….That would be some crippling sort of goal for your kids to live up to if you were. I mean, can you imagine? Some of us HAVE grown up thinking our parents (or at least one of them) was perfect in one area of life or another. Was that you? Did you grow up always attempting to be perfect like they were –  only to be crushed by the results of your incapability of perfection? ⠀ ⠀ Instead of perpetuating this cycle, just show them your brokenness. ⠀ ⠀ Show them your failures. ⠀ ⠀ Show…

  • Favorite Spice Mix

    When it comes to food (for any time of the day), I almost always find myself tending toward the savory track of things. I will almost always choose Eggs Benedict over a waffle or a pancake… I’ll almost always choose savory garlic butter mashed potatoes over a marshmallow-topped sweet potato casserole. Now, I understand that not everyone feels this way, and I’ve come to terms with it.  I have chosen to overlook this one personality flaw in those of you who disagree with me, but I do want to at least make sure you have the right tools in your tool belt just in case you do decide to come…

  • You Can’t Do It Alone. Stop Trying.

    “It takes a village…” Never will you comprehend the truth of this statement until you are responsible for not only keeping a small human alive, but also feel the pressure from all sides and opinions of every person you know and even more from those who you don’t know (thanks, social media…)! This place? The JML Family? This is a safe place. We are here FOR YOU. We exist to take away the shame, guilt, and pressure that the world consistently provides for us as mothers. I heard once that when an elephant is giving birth, the other female elephants in the herd will gather around her in a tight…