• Weekend Wins for Feeling Accomplished as a Homeschooling/Working Mom During COVID-19

    In the last 8 weeks (or however long we’ve been doing this… feels more like 2934 weeks, right?), I’ve gone through the stages of “grief” just as you have (and probably still are) over the loss of what my life used to look like and how it’s changed since the Shelter-In-Place orders and new country-wide regulations and social expectations. Within those grief stages, we’ve had to do things like: reorganize our schedules, reset our expectations, rearrange the ways our home functions, apologize to the people we love for responding in less-than-perfect ways (times a million), find new ways to feel accomplished since it’s seemingly impossible to meet the old expectations of…

  • Easy + Sustainable Home Learning Management System — FREE Video Tutorial!

    If your family is anything like ours, you’ve gone through seasons of feeling like you’ve “got it all figured out” (which only lasts a day or two) and seasons of feeling like a complete chaotic failure when it comes to homeschooling and home learning. I have good news, though! Regardless of how many more weeks you’ve got in your homeschooling career, I was finally able to film and edit a quick video tutorial showing you the system that has been a game changer in organizing and managing our two kiddos and their school work (both physical and digital) for the last several weeks. I hope it’s helpful to you and…