• 5 Ways To Avoid The November Budget Bust!

    Happy Thanksgiving Week!  If you know me, you know I’m ALL about getting into the spirit of anything at all – I can turn anything into a celebration. Lemme at it. HOWEVER… I am also not one to spend money when I don’t have to. Call me cheap, call me thrifty, call me stingy, call me frugal. Whatever. I’ll take it all. As Popeye says, “I yam what I yam.” So be it. Regardless of how people see me, I’m going to roll with it, and also let you in on a few penny-pinching tips that you can use to hopefully put to use for your own Thanksgiving week savings:…

  • How to Order Custom Holiday Cards for Under $10

    Girl, listen. You and I both know that Holiday Card ordering is NOT the easiest or most stress-free thing on our Q4 to-do list. We love to put our creative skills to use in this way that we get to share with friends and family, but then we see the price tag and want to throw the computer because…RUDE. “I worked super hard on this. How dare you charge me $75 to print 25 copies of this thing that I DESIGNED?! Boo.” Enter my super awesome Christmas Card Ordering Hack that I’ve used for YEARS now: Vistaprint. Using the following steps, I’ve been able to order our Christmas Cards for…

  • Don’t Forget These Things in Your November Budget!

    It’s a new month, time for a new budget, and with that new budget plan, we need to be sure and account for a few new things. Don’t be caught off guard by any of these items. If you have already written out/planned your November budget and you did forget to add in any of these, go back today and add them in/rework your budget. Anytime you recognize a mistake in your budget, the sooner you tweak/fix that plan, the better off you will be. DO NOT PUT IT OFF. It will NOT be easier to deal with later. It will be more difficult, so if there is literally no…

  • Credit-Card-Using Budget Rebel

    Are you tired of people telling you that you have to cut out credit card use in order to stick to your budget? Me, too. I LIKE USING CARDS! Debit, Credit… Whatever. They are convenient, I am much less likely to somehow misplace an envelope filled with my entire budget for the month,  and I get cash back for things I’m already spending money on. Seriously. Just for paying off my card each month, Amazon/Chase gives me between 50-150 bucks! WHAT?! Yes. So I made my own SUSTAINABLE budgeting system where I can have my cake and eat it, too! 🍰 💳 No joke. The majority of our family’s spending is…

  • Every Little Choice…

    Like love, financial freedom (no debt, the ability to spend and/or save however YOU prioritize) is a DAILY choice. MANY times each day, YOU have to ask the question, “Is this thing/experience I’m about to spend (any amount of) money on going to put me CLOSER to or FARTHER from my financial goals and our family’s priorities?” If you can’t say “closer to” then odds are, you need to pass on spending money on that thing. Even 1.00. Even 75 cents. Those little spends ALL ADD UP (faster than you might realize). Don’t allow yourself to play the victim of your circumstances – past or present. Take charge of your…