Money management can be stressful and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be!

Finding peace and confidence in your ability to manage your family’s money is achieved in 3 steps:

1. Knowing Your REAL Numbers
2. Making a Plan (Fail to plan, and you are planning to fail.)
3. Consistency + Awareness: STICK TO THE PLAN – Seems simple, right? Well, tell that to yourself when you want to go out to eat for the 3rd day in a row.

If you know these things to be true, but find it hard to know exactly where to START or what steps to take first to get you into these good habits/routines, I GET IT!

I’ve been there.

And for that very reason, I am currently creating my signature digital course, The Sustainable Budgeting Blueprint. Through this digital course, I will be able to walk you through (step-by-step) how to set up your very own SUSTAINABLE family budget – using YOUR numbers, YOUR priorities, and YOUR real life (which are the keys to making this budget stick)!

The course is set to launch early 2020, and I’m beyond excited to offer it to you. The freedom our family has found through confidence with our budget/spending each month is something I can’t wait to share with you and so many more families all over the world!

If you want to be among the VERY first to know when this program launches, click here!

If you would love to get started on the right path to building your own sustainable budget in the meantime, I’ve created a free email challenge for you to find the exact amount your family is spending on food each month (usually the biggest budget spending category other than rent/mortgage).

These food numbers are CRITICAL to know (and to know exactly – not just an estimate or an assumption) in order for your budget numbers to be set realistically so that it can also be sustainable month after month.

To help you find your numbers with a LITTLE effort each day for just a few days (one email each day with simple instructions broken down into doable 2-3 steps), click here and join our next Food Spending 101 Challenge (starts Monday)!