Add all ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
Stir until combined completely.
Use a cookie dough scoop or a metal spoon to scoop out even(ish) amounts to roll into balls.
-If the combination is too wet, consider adding some of the dry "extra/optional" ingredients or just more of the oats or rice cereal until desired consistency.
-If combination is too dry, add the coconut oil and/or more peanut butter until desired consistency.
Roll into balls using your hands, and place in a single layer onto a cookie sheet (line with wax or parchment paper if you love easier cleanup).
Place cookie sheet with finished/rolled protein bites into fridge for about an hour or freezer for about 30 minutes in order to set them.
Place cooled/hardened Protein Bites into an airtight storage container, and store in fridge for 1-2 weeks (not that they will last that long)!
0 servings
4 Protein Bites