The Perfect Copycat Rusty Taco Margarita

Yields1 Serving
 3 oz Silver Tequila
 1.50 oz Triple Sec
 1.50 oz Lime Juice
 1 oz Simple Syrup

Prepare your Simple Syrup if needed (one part sugar to one part water - heat over medium-high heat, stirring throughout, until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat immediately and allow to cool before storing in a sealed container in fridge)


If you want a salt-rimmed glass, dip the top of your glass into lime juice or rub a sliced lime around the rim of your glass, then dip into your salt of choice.


Mix all ingredients together well and pour into your glass over crushed ice (or cubes if you prefer)


 3 oz Silver Tequila
 1.50 oz Triple Sec
 1.50 oz Lime Juice
 1 oz Simple Syrup



Prepare your Simple Syrup if needed (one part sugar to one part water - heat over medium-high heat, stirring throughout, until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat immediately and allow to cool before storing in a sealed container in fridge)


If you want a salt-rimmed glass, dip the top of your glass into lime juice or rub a sliced lime around the rim of your glass, then dip into your salt of choice.


Mix all ingredients together well and pour into your glass over crushed ice (or cubes if you prefer)


The Perfect Copycat Rusty Taco Margarita

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